Title : [PSP] Zikande Fantasia / Jikan de Fantasia [ジカンデファンタジア] (JPN) ISO Download
Game Information
Japanese Title : ジカンデファンタジア
Chinese Title : 时间幻想
Publisher : Idea Factory
Developer : Idea Factory
Genre : ARPG Game
Version : Japan CERO A (Free)
Available On : Play Station Portable (PSP)
Size : 84.02MB
Format : ISO
Players : 1
Supplier : STORMAN
Catalog No : ULJM-05696
Realease Date : 2010-07-08
Official Website : http://www.ideaf.co.jp/zikande/
System Firmware : ---
Preview / Gameplay :
Description / About This Game :
Zikandia used to be a place completely free of constraints. The concept of Time never existed, so people, and fairies carry on their lives at their own paces. However, one day, Time appears, and people lost their directions. The fairies turned into monsters and terrorize the already stricken population.
However, there is one fairy, Tim Tim who, instead of turn into a monster, binds himself with time and gets the powers to control space. With his new powers, he summoned an ark - in the shape of a train compartment.
You are one of the students riding on the train to school, and is entrusted with the mission to save the world. There are nine other heroes being summoned by Tim Tim, that are scattered around the world during the hazardous summoning spell. Find your comrades and restore order.
Download :
*Uploaded by Ricky @ http://doujin-games88.blogspot.com
*Do not simply copy and paste the download links to your site. Thank you
*Password/パスワード : doujin-games88.blogspot.com
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Game Information
Japanese Title : ジカンデファンタジア
Chinese Title : 时间幻想
Publisher : Idea Factory
Developer : Idea Factory
Genre : ARPG Game
Version : Japan CERO A (Free)
Available On : Play Station Portable (PSP)
Size : 84.02MB
Format : ISO
Players : 1
Supplier : STORMAN
Catalog No : ULJM-05696
Realease Date : 2010-07-08
Official Website : http://www.ideaf.co.jp/zikande/
System Firmware : ---
Preview / Gameplay :
Description / About This Game :
Zikandia used to be a place completely free of constraints. The concept of Time never existed, so people, and fairies carry on their lives at their own paces. However, one day, Time appears, and people lost their directions. The fairies turned into monsters and terrorize the already stricken population.
However, there is one fairy, Tim Tim who, instead of turn into a monster, binds himself with time and gets the powers to control space. With his new powers, he summoned an ark - in the shape of a train compartment.
You are one of the students riding on the train to school, and is entrusted with the mission to save the world. There are nine other heroes being summoned by Tim Tim, that are scattered around the world during the hazardous summoning spell. Find your comrades and restore order.
Download :
*Uploaded by Ricky @ http://doujin-games88.blogspot.com
*Do not simply copy and paste the download links to your site. Thank you
*Password/パスワード : doujin-games88.blogspot.com
SM (SharingMatrix)
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