Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny on PSP Impression

Originally posted on The Examiner on October 2, 2009

The PSP is hurting. Even with the release of the super slick PSP Go the system as it stands now is and has been struggling for unique first and third-party exclusives. While there have been gems in the past the sheer lack of a solid and steady release of B to Triple-A level games has kept the system down no matter the power of the hand-held. These points are addressed as this trend seems to be changing, and part of that change is Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny. With titles such as Soulcalibur and Dissidia: Final Fantasy hitting in the same quarter the PSP is seeing a release of titles it’s been needing. There are more than these two, but why should gamers care, get excited and purchase Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, let’s take a look at a few reasons …

Gameplay – Soul Blade was a 3D fighting game and that trend has not changed over the years and holds true with Broken Destiny. Unlike the Tekken’s and Virtua Fighters of the gaming word Soulcalibur is a weapons based fighter. Gamers pick the round length, amount of rounds and go at it with various levels of attacks from high to low and some kicks. Moves for each fighter vary as with all fighting games. There are story modes for games to follow as well as trials, a Gauntlet mode and versus. Gamers pull off regular attacks as well as new Soul Crushers and it is possible to destroy equipment, very nice feature.

Graphics – The PSP is a powerful machine but sadly the lack of great games hides this fact. Broken Destiny is one of the best looking titles on the system and shows off what it’s really capable of. Each fighter is detailed, levels look great and the cutscenes are outstanding. It’s a very good looking game.

Sound – The included soundtrack of the best Soulcalibur has to offer comes across excellently in game. The Tekken and Soulcalibur franchise of games have always delivered an excellent soundtrack and Broken Destiny is no exception.

Design – Some levels return from previous games, others are tweaked, even a few new. The levels look great, nothing revolutionary design wise.

Miscellaneous – The guest and created character of course. New fighters, such as Dampierre, are always expected with a fighting franchise, but Soulcalibur has created a habit of special guest. From Yoda to Vader, Spawn to Link these guest characters have usually been for show but not this time. Kratos from God of War has a purpose in-game and having come off his Chains of Olympus PSP adventure he is perfect for this PSP adventure. God of War fans will dig this adventure. The second miscellaneous aspect is the ultra deep character creation and customization that gives the game so much life, online life. Fight against shadows or real players and lose all advantages as each fighter is unique.

Overall, Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny is a must have, on any system, but 1000% on the PSP. The digital copy is available now, just in time for the PSP Go, so it’s going to be a whole new day for games jumping on board. Sometimes there is a need to justify buying a game. Other times it’s simple, see it, have the money, buy it. This is Broken Destiny for any PSP owner. You see it, you buy it, nuff said.