Title: [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Hoshizora no Mamoribito (ドラゴンクエストIX 星空の守り人)
Publisher : SQUARE ENIX
Genre : RPG
ROM : 2048Mbits
Size : 149MB
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Description :
Hoshi no Mamoribito is the newest Dragon Quest game and the newest world in which you can live your alternate life. Beautiful CG movies, new music arrangements with a full orchestra and a grand setting make a true epic fantasy world comes to life.
All sorts of customization are available, create your own character, determine his or her job. To make your party well rounded, create more characters for your own customized team. Turn on the Wi-Fi facility of your hand held console and ask your friends in the real world to join you on your adventure.
R4 Cheat Codes :
::Gold In Bank 99999999G
020F6AE4 05F5E0FF
::Gold In Hand 999999G
020F6AE8 0098967F
::Mini Medal 999
020F6AF0 000003E7
::Skill Point Never Decrease
921877DA 0000E040
021877DC E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
::Treasure Chest always drops
521F4090 1A000016
021F4090 E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
::All Gestures and Actions
:::Exit from town or screen change to have effect
12108994 0000FFFF
22108996 000000FF
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Publisher : SQUARE ENIX
Genre : RPG
ROM : 2048Mbits
Size : 149MB
Preview :
Description :
Hoshi no Mamoribito is the newest Dragon Quest game and the newest world in which you can live your alternate life. Beautiful CG movies, new music arrangements with a full orchestra and a grand setting make a true epic fantasy world comes to life.
All sorts of customization are available, create your own character, determine his or her job. To make your party well rounded, create more characters for your own customized team. Turn on the Wi-Fi facility of your hand held console and ask your friends in the real world to join you on your adventure.
R4 Cheat Codes :
::Gold In Bank 99999999G
020F6AE4 05F5E0FF
::Gold In Hand 999999G
020F6AE8 0098967F
::Mini Medal 999
020F6AF0 000003E7
::Skill Point Never Decrease
921877DA 0000E040
021877DC E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
::Treasure Chest always drops
521F4090 1A000016
021F4090 E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
::All Gestures and Actions
:::Exit from town or screen change to have effect
12108994 0000FFFF
22108996 000000FF
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